Answers about Criminal Law

At the point when a case is “docketed,” it implies that the case has been formally placed into the court’s agenda framework. The agenda is a conventio
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Criminal Law


Can DNA on a cigarette at the crime scene of a robbery be enough to convict someone?

Asked by Wiki User

DNA on a cigarette found at a crime scene can be used as evidence in a trial, but it alone may not be enough to secure a conviction. Other factors such as witne
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List two applications for DNA fingerprinting?

Asked by Wiki User

Forensic identification: DNA fingerprinting is commonly used in criminal investigations to match suspects to crime scene evidence or to identify victims. Pater
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Criminal Law


What type of evidence are fingerprints and footprints?

Asked by Wiki User

I don’t think evidence is categorized… But..It would depend: if it is a hidden print, it will probably have to be discovered using some kind of chemicals such
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Criminal Law


How can you collect hair evidence?

Asked by Wiki User

Hair evidence can be collected by carefully removing individual hairs with clean forceps, ensuring the roots are intact. The hairs should be placed in paper bin
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What is the definition of a whorl fingerprint?

Asked by Wiki User

A whorl fingerprint is a pattern characterized by circular or spiral ridges that are grouped in a circular pattern. Whorl patterns can have varying subtypes suc
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Criminal Law


If a cigarette with your DNA was found at the scene of a crime does that make you guilty?

Asked by Feliciafradkin

No, finding a cigarette with your DNA at a crime scene does not automatically make you guilty. DNA evidence is just one piece of the puzzle and must be consider
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Criminal Law


Is DNA fingerprinting used for finding criminals?

Asked by Wiki User

Yes, DNA fingerprinting is commonly used in forensic investigations to identify or exclude suspects in criminal cases. This technique analyzes unique patterns i
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Criminal Law


Is DNA fingerprinting good or bad?

Asked by Wiki User

DNA fingerprinting is a useful tool for jasa pendirian cv di tangerang identifying individuals and establishing paternity. It can be beneficial in solving crimes, confirming relationships, an
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Criminal Law


How does polymere chain reaction relate to DNA fingerprinting?

Asked by Wiki User

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a technique used to amplify specific regions of DNA, making it easier to analyze. In DNA fingerprinting, PCR is often used to
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Why is DNA sometimes called the fingerprint inside your body?

Asked by Wiki User

DNA is often referred to as the fingerprint inside your body because it is unique to each individual, just like a fingerprint. DNA holds the genetic information
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Criminal Law


What would be good sources of DNA at this crime scene?

Asked by Wiki User

Potential sources of DNA at a crime scene could include blood, saliva, skin cells, hair follicles, semen, and other bodily fluids. DNA can also be extracted fro
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Criminal Law


DNA fingerprinting has been highly publicized in the media but is it the most important development in the history of biotechnology why or why not?

Asked by Wiki User

While DNA fingerprinting has revolutionized forensic science and paternity testing, it may not necessarily be considered the most important development in the h
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DNA fingerprint why do scientists not like this term?

Asked by Wiki User

Scientists do not like the term “DNA fingerprint” because it implies a level of individuality and uniqueness that may not always be accurate. DNA anal
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Is red phosphorous illegal?

Asked by Wiki User

In general, red phosphorus itself is not illegal, but its uses can be regulated due to safety concerns. For example, it is commonly used in the manufacture of c
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Criminal Law


How much time can you get for a felony in Maryland?

Asked by Wiki User

Felony penalties in Maryland vary depending on the severity of the offense and other factors. Possible prison sentences range from 1 year to life imprisonment f
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Criminal Law


What is currently used by the FBI to do a DNA fingerprint in a criminal investigation?

Asked by Wiki User

The FBI uses a technique called short tandem repeat (STR) analysis to create DNA profiles for criminal investigations. This method looks at specific regions in
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Criminal Law


How does fingerprint powder make the fingerprint show up better?

Asked by Wiki User

Fingerprint powder adheres to the natural oils and sweat present in the fingerprint residue. The powder creates contrast against the surface, making the ridges
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How is DNA fingerprint used?

Asked by Wiki User

DNA fingerprinting is commonly used in forensic science to identify individuals by analyzing unique patterns in their DNA. It can also be used in paternity test
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Criminal Law


Who invented DNA fingerprints?

Asked by Wiki User

DNA fingerprints were invented by British geneticist Sir Alec Jeffreys in 1984. He discovered that specific regions of a person’s DNA could be used to create a
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Criminal Law


What is a ice hold?

Asked by Wiki User

“Ice hold” may refer to ice climbing equipment used to secure a climber to the ice, such as ice screws, ice axes, and crampons. These tools are essent
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How can DNA fingerprint be dangerous?

Asked by Wiki User

DNA fingerprinting itself is not dangerous, as it is used primarily for identification and resolving paternity disputes. However, the misuse of DNA fingerprinti
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Criminal Law


When did mt Grimsvotn last erupt?

Asked by Wiki User

Grimsvotn, located in Iceland, last erupted in December 2021. This volcanic system is one of the most active in the country, with eruptions occurring roughly ev
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What was the impact of DNA fingerprint?

Asked by Chalupa943

DNA fingerprinting revolutionized forensic science by providing a highly accurate method for identifying individuals. It has been crucial in solving crimes, res
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Criminal Law


Explain the challenges facing criminal justice system in Kenya?

Asked by Wiki User

The criminal justice system in Kenya faces challenges such as corruption, inadequate resources, backlogs in the courts leading to delays in delivering justice,
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