Since 2007, I and my team successfully completed hundreds of translation projects and helped dozens of businesses enter the Russian-speaking markets. With my expert knowledge and long-term experience, you can expect top-notch translation services always delivered on time. Our in-house team will do this for you and arrange a Russian interpreter too – on Zoom, WhatsApp or face-to-face if required. As we specialise in Russian only, we are able to provide quality translation and interpreting services at competitive rates. The Immigration Health Surcharge is a fee paid by migrants resident in the UK for more than 6 months to access free healthcare. His Majesty’s Revenue and Customs is the government department responsible for the collection of taxes, the payment of some forms of state support, and enforcement of the Minimum Wage.

Agriculture and the UK economy

Advancements in automation may provide a possible alternative to migrant seasonal labour, however current machinery is not sufficiently developed to eliminate the need for seasonal work. Further intervention from government, such as 0% interest loans or increased public investment, could accelerate automation in this sector and in turn reduce reliance on seasonal labour. It is likely that in the future, the domestic production of fruits and vegetables will benefit the food security of the UK through helping to ensure the availability of safe and nutritious food. This societal ‘food security’ benefit provides some justification for government support in the agricultural (and specifically) horticultural industry.

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The SWT reports non-compliance to the relevant ASO, who will be expected to ensure that either the farm addresses the issues or that provision of workers to the farm stops. GLAA may take action against the farm when there is a modern slavery offence occurring at a site located within England and Wales. Any failure on the part of the ASO to act on identified issues could lead to the SWT suspending or revoking their licence (to date no sanctions have been imposed on any ASO as a result of issues identified on farms).

Any release of additional numbers would be made on condition that the 45,000 cap had been reached and in response to economic evidence of further recruitment need. Technical and business knowledge across horticultural stakeholders varies significantly and hinders the adoption of new technologies. The skills required to develop, install, operate, and maintain the next generation of automation technologies will likely be science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) based. These are likely lacking within the horticulture sector, as traditionally they have not been needed. It is interesting to note the relative importance of domestic production within total supply of horticulture and poultry. In 2023, 53% of the total supply of vegetables in the UK was produced domestically, with the number being much lower for fruit (16%).
RusTranslationService UK for Britain’ campaign to recruit British workers during the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated the difficulty of maintaining domestic workers in seasonal roles. Whilst the campaign had initially increased the UK share of the workforce from 1% to 11%, this effect was not sustained; one employer CfE response confirmed that most workers they gained through this initiative left site once restrictions were lifted. Of the employers responding to our CfE, many said that not being able to recruit the number of Seasonal Workers they wanted would have considerable impact on their business.

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